General Pervez Musharraf a “long and healthy life” because, in his view, Pakistan is “one assassination away from having Islamic fanatics in charge of a functioning nuclear weapon, which they may not mind using”... Rushdie finds the situation in Pakistan “scary, extremely scary”, much more so than the Iranian “near-bomb”... He says although it makes him feel sick to be put in a position of hoping that Gen Musharraf has a long and healthy life, he does so because with the general not on the scene, it could be something much worse. Rushdie says Gen Musharraf is a “dictator” and no better than Gen Ziaul Haq, while adding that in the ISI, “there are people much worse, who want a very radical Islamist state”. [source: The Daily Times]
Rushdie's most recent remarks follow a pronouncement that veils "suck," proving that even though he's a talenter writer, Rushdie isn't necessarily the most sophisticated political analyst.
Why does he do it? Why say such dumb things? Is Rushdie just really dumb? Or is this simply an attempt to try and get attention even though he is a sad little man who is no longer relevant to the literary or political scene?
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