Note also that the pope is "confronting" Islam - suggesting that Islam is a bad child that needs to be scolded, or maybe given a time-out in the corner or something. Bad Islam! No dessert for you!
And last but not least, the pope is confronting Islam with a crucifix in his hand, with the figure of Jesus leading the way. Now, let's be generous here and say this was probably an unconscious choice on the part of the artist. But surely the image passed the perusal of an editor or two, who should have been smarter and should have pulled the image of something that conjured up the ghost of, oh I don't know, the crusades???!!?! Surely someone at Time realized that this image would capture perfectly the posture that Western (Christian?) leaders have been explicitly adopting for at least the last 5 years, which is one of aggression and bigotry. And yet it went to press. Ugh.
Let's not be surprised when we realize that this visit only manages to make things worse.
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