Friday, December 28, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Nawaz to contest elections
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Saudi ambassador, Mr. Tough Guy
mislead and misguide the public mind and generate unfavorable responses regarding the intent and purpose of a brotherly sovereign state, its leadership and its people.
Now, I don't mean to go on a rant here, but I must confess that it REALLY bugs me that Pakistanis will talk ad nauseam about US imperialism but never talk about Saudi imperialism. The manner in which the Saudis have interfered in Pakistani affairs over the last 30 years is disgusting - they have played a very big part in ruining the country. And now their latest role in Pakistan's current debacle takes their heavy-handedness to a new level altogether.
Hey Saudis, leave us the fuck alone. And take the Americans with you.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Spectacular weather
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Female suicide bomber in Peshawar
Permanent military base in Swat
This permanent troop presence is a terrifying idea. It is a permanent occupation of Swat, and by extension of the surrounding areas of FATA. It is of course a violation of the existing treaties between the people of FATA and the GoP. And finally and most crucially, it will solve nothing and will only make matters worse. If you're not sure why, just think of how the permanent basing of US troops in Iraq will help matters there. And actually, even though the analogy isn't perfect, it works well because frankly, this new base is most likely to be used by the US in the future.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Geo petition dismissed
A student movement?
It is not yet a student movement, but at least the student community is in motion and ferment again after a lapse of a couple of decades. Whether this will develop into a movement is still to be seen. Students who had been absent during the period from March to November in the struggle for the rule of law and for the freedom of the press were suddenly galvanised by the events of November 3rd and the subsequent destruction of the Constitution and the judiciary by General Musharraf.Read the full piece here.
No agreement yet on boycotting elections
I fail to understand how anyone thinks that participating in these elections will serve anything other than the interests of the U.S., Musharraf, and Benazir.
CODEPINK activists deported; LUMS faculty charged
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Eviction of non-PCO judges (the good guys)
More crackdowns on protests
More boycott news
Sunday, December 02, 2007
CODEPINK stages hunger strike at Aitzaz Ahsan's house
Medea Benjamin and Tighe Barry, members of the U.S. human rights group Global Exchange and the women¹s peace group CODEPINK, came to Pakistan to learn about the political situation since emergency rule was declared on November 3. One of the people they are most anxious to meet with is prominent lawyer/politician Aitzaz Ahsan, who was jailed by the Musharraf government from November 3 to 25, when he was then placed under house arrest.
Pakistan government representatives in the US have said that the lawyers arrested under the emergency law have been released. But when the visiting human rights activists tried to meet with Aitzaz Ahsan on December 1, they discovered that his home is still designated a "sub jail" and he remains hostage in his own home, unable to go out or to receive visitors. For that reason the U.S. activists decided to stage a vigil outside his home.
"Pervez Musharraf is telling the world that he is committed to democracy. So it is outrageous that the head of the nation's Supreme Court Bar Association, Aitzaz Ahsan, remains under house arrest," said Tighe Barry.
"We have come a long way to meet this man who we have heard is one of the great heroes of the struggle for democracy in Pakistan," said Medea Benjamin. "We will sit patiently in front of his door and sleep overnight in front of his door, asking his jailers to allow us in."
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Let's call their bluff
Well, I say we call their bluff. Listen, you two. We don't really want you both around. Why can't you get a hobby, or go on that round-the-world trip you've always wanted to take? Or perhaps you need some time in an ashram to "find yourselves." You could even just do us the courtesy of fading away ingloriously. But this foot-stomping hysterical tantrumy drama is just unbearable. So just go away already. We don't want you. Really.