There was a huge student protest in Lahore yesterday (Friday). This was the first time that the student movement has taken to the streets (as opposed to staying within their campuses), and by all accounts it was a huge success. There were no arrests but plenty of harassment and intimidation from the police. But the students prevailed and I think this is a huge and bold step by the students.
Unfortunately in Karachi there was no turnout to speak of, but Karachi's problem remains an old and unique one - students are basically caught between the MQM and the Jamaat-i-Islami student wings, and paralysis on campus ensues. Plus, the administrations of the Karachi-area universities have been unequivocally pro-Musharraf and have enforced his will through force. So I'm not sure what it will take for Karachi's students to rise up and break the strangleholds on them. I do know that there is a lot working against them.
Meanwhile, it seems that the protest yesterday might become a regular event (I certainly hope so). The demands of the students, by the way, are quite clear: no elections until there is complete restoration of the pre-martial law judiciary, and the removal of the military from the political arena. We could all learn a lot from these students.
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