Tuesday, January 09, 2007

"Breakfast in Amritsar, Lunch in Lahore, and Dinner in Kabul"

In a speech on Monday, Manmohan Singh said that he hoped that India and Pakistan could sign a long-term peace treaty, so that one day it would be possible to have "breakfast in Amritsar, lunch in Lahore, and dinner in Kabul" on the same day. Sounds fabulous, no? Except I'm not sure how he thinks peace between India and Pakistan will also deliver Afghanistan - and he ignores the Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, and Nepalis (ok, let's admit it, we've been guilty of that too). But the principle is an excellent one, only I think I'd like to have breakfast in Colombo somewhere on the beach, lunch in Bombay, and dinner in Karachi because no one knows how to party late into the night like Karachiites do.

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