Wednesday, November 07, 2007


There have been student protests today at LUMS in Lahore. There appears to be much more protest activity in Punjab generally than in Sindh (and Karachi specifically). See pics of the LUMS protest here.

There are moves to organize more protest activity in Karachi, but the fear is real and its deserved. However, expect to see something soon. I am realizing, however, that there is a huge difference in organizing dissent in the U.S. and in Pakistan. In addition to the usual class and ethnic conflicts that plague all protest movements, there is also the atmosphere of fear and paranoia that can be quite paralyzing. There is also somewhat of a split between the "old" and the "new" activists - the former are used to doing things a certain way, while the latter want to try new strategies and are often more confrontational and radical in their approach. Perhaps it is that the young folks have never faced the danda. I continue to have enormous respect for the activists who have been around and continue to fight the good fight. They are inspiring.

Meanwhile, Benazir announced that she will go ahead with her rally on Friday the 9th in Pindi. This is not quite the call to arms one would have expected the party of Zulfikar to issue but it is something. And already the police have announced that they will stop it. So I think a showdown of sorts is coming.

The news channels remain off the air for a fourth day. The courts in Karachi were deserted as no lawyers showed up. And no news on Imran Khan's whereabouts yet.

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